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Color 134

Color 134 is an introduction to the study of color using acrylic paint for studies and small paintings. This course develops understanding of the characteristics of color through color theory, observation, and experimentation, and build skills in visual perception, visual thinking, and creativity. Guided exercises explore the role of color in compositional relationships, the phsychological and expressive effects of color, and the physical properties of color mixing. 


The course will provide opportunities for students to develop a heightened viual awareness of color and the attributes of color through an examination of various theories. Develop compositional strategies for studies that emphasize the element of color. These may be in the style of historical and contemporary painters and designers. Students cultivate a working process that encourages experimentation of a variety of painting techniques within non-objective designs as well as representational compositions, refine one's critical judgement during individual and group critiques, and review basic history and science of color through the ages.

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