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IB Higher Level Visual Arts Year 1

Art is such a small word to describe the endless opportunities and diversities of creativity. To explore art is truly amazing and incredible, and when you discover something and become interested in it, that is when you truly grow as an artist. Art is an engaging way to make a statement that can either be expressed subtly or shockingly. 

Before I started these projects, I wanted to come up with crazy and ‘off-the-wall’ ideas to create art that will make people stop and really wonder within my pieces. Although every piece is different, I knew I wanted to make my art enjoyable and make people feel better and happier when they look at them. I think that artists can make a statement without making their point through scary or unappealing means. I used a lot of color in my self-portraits for two main reasons. One being that I love working with color and seeing how different colors work off of each other, and the second being, I always think that no matter where you are in the world, no matter what is going on in your life, you should always try to splash your world, splash your life, with color. Live in a world of color.

This semester I tried to work with color and tried new techniques in art that I had never heard of before, and created nine different self-portraits. Each self-portrait represents me in different ways. From a puzzle of paint samples, to a deconstructed piece of art with paint tubes woven together, to real face painting where I pressed paper to my face after I painted it and created my face.

© 2018 Caite Canfield created with

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